Hi, My name is Ravie. I am an intelligent, creative, and motivated individual. My work ethic is undeniable; I always try to be the best at anything thrown at me. When something unexpected happens, I'm quick on my feet and ready to solve the problem.
Personal Branding
My Passion
Soccer is my favorite pastime. I love watching it or playing it. When I was a kid, a soccer ball was all I knew. Soccer made me independent; knowing that a soccer ball and a wall are all I needed to stay out of trouble and keep me relaxed was everything to me.
My Value
I have a passion for being creative and analytical at the same time. I have a passion for being creative at anything, primarily for solving problems. If a company were to hire me, I would not disappoint. My goal is to learn and grow as fast as possible. I have a strong interest in marketing and seeing ways to change and affect outcomes for the better.
Favorite Quote
“Take risks: if you win, you will be happy; if you lose, you will be wise.” - Swami Vivekananda
For me, this quote means risking anything can lead to a much wiser you. You learn from your past, and in the future, that knowledge will always be there. This knowledge may lead you to success. Learning from the past gives you an advantage, and no one can take that away from you.